We went to Scottsdale, AZ for Thanksgiving. My's parents have a timeshare there. The weather was great. We were able to see our friends, Jen and Nick and also Amber and Mike. Good times!
TJ has been trying to persuade me to hop on board with the idea of him shaving his head. I've resisted for awhile for fear that his head without hair may not be as smooth as one would like. Well, I finally caved and he shaved it off. It actually didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would.
We went to Louisiana to spend Christmas with TJ's family. We had a great time. Since there were quite a few of us there (22 adults and 16 children), TJ's parents planned some really fun activities. They rented out the local bowling alley one day and the skating rink another day. TJ even got to ride in the giant skate!
If you thought it was odd that TJ and all his brothers were sporting a little something extra on their faces, that's because they had their mustache contest!

On our way home, we stopped in Dallas to visit my friend Natasha and her husband Jacob. It's been a couple years since I've seen her so it was great to visit with them. I wish we lived closer! We drove back to Colorado and then on to Utah to visit my family for New Years. We visited with my relatives, watched the Utah game, and went to a couple of movies. The holidays were a great time for us!
It was so fun seeing everyone. Thanks Ted and Evelyn for everything!
On our way home, we stopped in Dallas to visit my friend Natasha and her husband Jacob. It's been a couple years since I've seen her so it was great to visit with them. I wish we lived closer! We drove back to Colorado and then on to Utah to visit my family for New Years. We visited with my relatives, watched the Utah game, and went to a couple of movies. The holidays were a great time for us!
Nice Mohawk! You should have left it for the family pictures ;)
Yeah how come we didn't take pics of us when you were here? I can't believe I didn't. Well I guess that means we have to get together sometime soon so we can snap a pic of us! :)
I think your husband won the mustache contest! His mustache was pretty good. It looks like you have been having fun and been busy. Your apartment looks really cute!
good post. I liked the mohawk too. have a great day!
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