Easter weekend has been fun. The Easter Bunny made it to our house! Mason had a soccer game on Saturday, and his team won 3-0. Yay! Mason played defense. TJ and the boys went to see Monsters vs Aliens 3D on Saturday afternoon while I put together their Easter baskets. That night, we dyed eggs. I was worried about dye getting on the carpet. Unfortunately, our table is on carpet (you'd think the people who design apartments would realize the danger to their carpet when they put it in the dining area). The boys were very careful though. While we were dying the eggs, I had some clothes in the laundry. Our washer and dryer are stacked on top of each other in a little closet, and we keep the huge container of liquid detergent on top of the unit. Every once in a while, our washer becomes unbalanced and starts to shake and make a lot of noise. This started happening, so I opened the laundry closet door to investigate and the brand new bottle of BLUE detergent fell to the floor and exploded EVERYWHERE. When I say everywhere, I mean all over the carpet, splattered across the room, dripping down the walls. I have no idea how it projected so far. I wish I had had the forethought to take a picture right after the disaster (for blogging purposes), but I was too worried about all the soap everywhere. Needless to say, our carpet is a pretty blue speckled color these days and we will be buying a carpet cleaner tomorrow. Hopefully the color comes out! Let's just say that I would rather the boys spill egg dye on the carpet than deal with the sudsy blue mess that was my Saturday night. Life is an adventure!
Brandon and Mason woke up Sunday morning to a scavenger hunt for their Easter baskets. Someone was sure good to them this year! Among all the candy was some silly putty and bubble blowers. Who would have thought that the bubbles would be the highlight of the day with our crazy dog chasing them around and trying to bite the bubbles mid-air (see video below).
We hope everyone has a great Easter!
Pretty eggs
Ugh. Laundry soap is sooooooo concentrated! That must have SUCKED! I would imagine a steam cleaner would get it out though... BLAH. Like putting dish soap in the dishwasher though. HAVE FUN! ;)
I feel your pain on the mess. Thursday I dropped a new bottle of pepprocini - the huge ones from Costco - and had juice, glass, and peppers everywhere. It's hard to believe how far splatters go. Good luck on your cleanup. You will have the cleanest carpet in the complex.
The new steam vac actually worked pretty well. It's amazing how dirty our carpet really was. It's probably a good investment with the dog and everything. There's still a light blue tint in a few places; I guess I'll have to keep scrubbing some more when the motivation comes back.
What a mess!! I, along with mom, feel your pain. Yesterday I came out to my nice white clean car after work and found to my dismay that a bird had splattered purple poop all across the hood of my car. Purple!? What had that bird been eating? Probably your soap.
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