Puppy and I drove with my brother, Mark to California to see my parents. What was supposed to be a week long visit turned into a 3-week long vacation with TJ flying in for the last week. We had so much fun visiting my family and enjoying the awesome Cali weather. We celebrated Mother's Day,
shopped, went to the movies, the beach, and rode the scooters to name a few things. Puppy, who is stuck in our apartment most of the time, had the time of her life getting lost in my parents house and playing in the yard. My parents are re-landscaping and replacing their concrete driveway with pavers. They have a beautiful new front gate too. The grass wasn't in yet, but that didn't stop Puppy from finding a nice dirt pile to lounge in. We went on walks every night and really enjoyed each other's company. When TJ arrived, we spent a day in San Diego with Stephen and Desirae. They fed us a delicious lunch of homemade BBQ Chicken Pizza and took us to a beach by their house with some cool walking trails. We love California!!!
Mom on Mother's Day
Mom and Me
Mom and Mark
Puppy lounging on the new driveway. It looks soo nice!
Beautiful new gate. It's going to look awesome when it's all finished!

Puppy and Mark wrestling. Not sure how happy Puppy is about this situation...
TJ and I at Stephen and Desirae's. We decided to take their Volvo to the beach. This is us trying out the back-facing seat in the rear. TJ decided it wasn't for him.
Brooklyn and I hanging out in the rear back seat. My favorite part of this picture is Brooklyn's upside down shades. Lookin' good!
We hiked down to this lookout above the beach.

Stephen, Desirae, Brooklyn, and sleeping Ian
On the beach! Stephen and Desirae really do live in paradise.
Baby Ian {look at those big blue eyes}
A typical scene: Dad and Puppy taking a nap together on the couch. Looks like a spoiled dog if you ask me!
Riding the scooters around the neighborhood

My Mom bought Puppy a new Frisbee. It used to look round and smooth {about 3 days prior to this picture}. Puppy started putting her head through the hole and we thought it was pretty funny looking. Check out the video clip:
On the ride home

She found her "spot" and looked like this for most of the 15 hour drive home
That looks like so much fun!! I want to visit california and ride scooters and go to the beach!! I'm glad ya'll had so much fun and it must have been great to see Stephen and Desirae :)
Well I hope the next time we see each other I will have a BABY!
Love ya'll!
Your trip looks way too much fun. Poor Puppy is so exhausted from all that fun, she's making me tired!
that looks like a lot of fun
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